A fifteenth century leaf from a Psalter containing Psalm seventy and seventy-one. Handwritten on vellum in brown and red ink in gothic script, in Latin.
The recto contains one column of twenty-one lines, beginning half way on Psalm seventy on line twenty, and Pslam seventy-one begins on line seventeen on the leaf. The recto having seven single line rubricated initials in blue, red, and liquid gold, pen flourishes in red and blue, and red and blue line fillers. The recto also having a double line illuminated initial, decorated in red, white, blue, and liquid gold.
The verso has twenty-one lines to one column, and continues Psalm seventy one from line four to twelve. The verso having nine single line rubricated initials in blue, red, and liquid gold, pen flourishes in red and blue, and red and blue line fillers.
A very good copy, slight fading to the script, very minor marks to the vellum, pencil mark to bottom edge of verso.
Fifteenth Century Illuminated Psalter Leaf
[Manuscript Leaf]
Northern France
c. 1450